Monday, June 8, 2009

Stop fucking bothering me.

alright alright alright ALRIGHT ALRIGHT! Fuck.... I know I haven't fucking written anything down in a some time. I have been busy I guess? I dunno. I do remember staying at a friends house for a few days just getting stoned and playing Final Fantasy VII [you know you are a dork when you have to put the sequel number as a Roman numeral] after getting back from Geronimo Fest, which was an incredibly amazing time. I like to allow my writing to come naturally you know? Like a calming water-birth with shamans and candles rather than a god damned Caesarean section. Updates right? That is what you want right? Well fuck you. All I know is, is that I want a pair of these fuckers! I know I never reviewed their latest album Crack the Skye and I should have but it just would be me saying "I need new pants" and then a check-plus-plus somewhere. Speaking of needing new pants, rather than evacuating fluids due to the nature of audio euphoria, I released a rather different liquid [pssst... its called urine! who woulda known] because this shit was so fucking funny. This series of shorts called Look Around You is ... well... actually, don't read that... at all. In fact... I am just going to put a few of them up on this here internets machiney.

Of course I had to put the music one up. Its great, but I must say my favorite of the eight is Water. Just. Please. Watch. Them. All.

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